
Image Rollover Content

     Image rollovers are commonly applied to a background image.  It works fine, but there are cases in which the image is an important part of a page's content,  thus affecting your website's SEO.      So, how can it be done?  You must use the CSS selector 'content' for both regular state and on mouse over.      It's recognized by Google Chrome and latest browser versions.  You can use a background image fallback for visualization in older browsers,  but your webpage's code will be read correctly in any browser. That's the code that goes on your style page: .rollover-image { content: url("image1.jpg"); height: 400px; } .rollover-image:hover { content: url("image2.jpg"); } And on your html file: <div class="rollover-image"> </div> Run it on CodePen: Your browser does not support iframes. Images courtesy of Alexas_Fotos @ Pixabay

First chapter of the book "IBDD: In-browser Design Documentation Method"

      Since 2011, I started designing websites responsively, accounting for smartphone and tablets growing use by the web audience. Around 2014, I started preferring to design directly in-browser and by 2018, I have developed a method for design documentation of in-browser web design . By 2020, I had the chance of applying my method in collaboration for the redesign of a web shop, thinking of submitting an article to a web standards publication. I was already graduating in computing and planning a masters in Software Enginnering , so I was expecting that after my article was published, my method to be further tested in design master tesis by someone else. Then came isolation, a HD loss and a change of plans; resulting that in 2022 I've decided to turn the article into a book about my method, while also working on my graduation monography on Software Engineering . Here’s the first draft of the first chapter of a book about my method that is on its way: © copyright ...

Hello, I'm a Software Engineer

       While I have begun working on my 2nd graduation’s monography, with lots of book’s resumes and reviews to do, I thought that some pieces might result in interesting blog articles. But, as tradition in the World Wide Web, it’s expected from the first post to be a sort of introduction, with some personal information in it.       Due to both temporary hardware restrictions and to writing a monography, as mentioned on this post , you must expect more theoretical posts than tutorial ones, at least for a while.       With years of previous work experience with web design, architecture, development and programming, I headed more towards the technical side and today I use the skills, methods and tasks of a Software Engineer at work. What does a Software Engineer do? Why is the role of the Software Engineer relevant? History of Software Engineering The Software Engineering areas Software Engineer ethics The Software Engin...