
Mostrando postagens de dezembro, 2023

First chapter of the book "IBDD: In-browser Design Documentation Method"

      Since 2011, I started designing websites responsively, accounting for smartphone and tablets growing use by the web audience. Around 2014, I started preferring to design directly in-browser and by 2018, I have developed a method for design documentation of in-browser web design . By 2020, I had the chance of applying my method in collaboration for the redesign of a web shop, thinking of submitting an article to a web standards publication. I was already graduating in computing and planning a masters in Software Enginnering , so I was expecting that after my article was published, my method to be further tested in design master tesis by someone else. Then came isolation, a HD loss and a change of plans; resulting that in 2022 I've decided to turn the article into a book about my method, while also working on my graduation monography on Software Engineering . Here’s the first draft of the first chapter of a book about my method that is on its way: © copyright ...